Exhibition Update #2

 Dear ISL Community,

The students are actively engaged in researching their UN Sustainable Goals. Students have created follow-up questions, found sources of information and are taking notes in a graphic organizer of their choosing. They have also been working on their Google Sites and constantly reflecting on the Exhibition process through journal entries. 

An example of student's Cornell notes.

Students working on research and their Google Sites.

Examples of student Google Site homepages.

Examples of student journal entry reflections.

A parent meeting was held on Monday to present the IBPYP Exhibition process, criteria, platforms, and parent expectations. Thank you to Mulenga, Lumina, Siham, and Summer for helping to present their work to the parents during the Google Meeting. Here are the slides used during the parent meeting: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AEp9WeOzH47oBEx89pn-hl26TjmGf48vFll0oE53Z9M/edit?usp=sharing

Thank you to all of the parents and community members who have volunteered to answer student interview questions and/or become a mentor for the Exhibition. If you are still interested in supporting the Year 6 students in this way, please fill out the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/F3ss68TnXSZUfEzU8

Kind Regards,

Year 6 Students and Teachers
